April 2021 Natural Medicines Training Seminar

Hands on training at our seminars for Natural Medicines

REAP is an organisation in Kenya with extensive experience over many years in the fields of sustainable agriculture and Natural Medicines. REAP will run a week-long intensive training seminar in Natural Medicine following the methods and principles of anamed international. Anamed, which is short for “action for natural medicine” has over 30 years’ experience in […]

Jan 2021 Newsletter

Digging Vetiver grass from the nursery

REAP Newsletter – January 2021 2020 was a difficult year almost everywhere, but we want to apply what we have learnt from the experiences as we move forward in 2021. In 2020 we had to change our plans but at the grassroots level, work continued as those that we have trained took what they have […]

World Malaria Day – 25th April

Malaria continues to be a serious disease throughout the region where REAP is working. We continue to promote the growing of Artemisia annua as the best treatment for malaria